Sterilizing a cat

Castration of a cat: pros and cons

Castration is a surgical operation, the essence of which is to remove the gonads. For many cat owners, the decision to carry out such manipulations with their pet is difficult. After all, it is not known what changes will occur to the pet after the operation. Some say that he can get very fat. Others – that he will become apathetic and lose his cheerfulness. To make it easier for you to make a choice, we have compiled a list of the advantages and disadvantages of castration. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with it.

The benefits of castration

  • The cat loses its natural instinct to reproduce. Consequently, his thoughts are not busy looking for a partner. The cat stops “singing” and rushing about. In addition, he pays more attention to his owners and home. For example, many non-castrated cats, which have free access to the street, only come home to sleep and eat. The rest of the time they are busy “communicating” with individuals of the opposite sex. Apartment cats, not having such an opportunity, are sad and meow. Castration solves these problems.
  • The cat stops marking territory. Untamed cats love to mark the boundaries of their “possessions”. If such actions of the pet bring you inconvenience, the question of whether to castrate the cat or not should not be at all: and the cat will become cleaner, and you will get rid of the cause of anxiety.
  • Cats are no longer interested in street fights. The animal does not participate in competitions for territory and females. Consequently, the risk of injury is reduced. Often in these fights, cats receive serious injuries, which leave an imprint on their entire future life. Castration is a way to avoid such excesses.
  • The cat does not run the risk of contracting diseases when intercourse with street cats. An animal driven by the reproductive instinct can use the slightest chance to set off in search of a female. A sick cat can become a partner. Intercourse with her is fraught with serious diseases: feline herpesvirus, panleukopenia, calicivirus and many others.
  • A neutered cat does not suffer from diseases of the testicles and prostate. In addition, testicular cancer, that is, a malignant neoplasm of the testicle, is harmless to him.
  • Neutered cats live longer. Practice shows that animals after surgery live one and a half to two years longer than their “full-fledged” relatives.
  • The cat becomes more affectionate. In a non-castrated cat, a conditional struggle takes place inside between warm feelings for a person, home and natural excitability, aggression, predatory habits. The operation removes this excitability, as a result of which the pet becomes kinder. In addition, many cat breeders find that a neutered pet is easier to train.

Do I need to castrate a cat: arguments against

  • Inability to breed offspring. This item is especially relevant for owners of purebred thoroughbred cats. The gene pool of these pets is valuable. Castration will deprive the animal of the opportunity to reproduce. Think carefully if you might think of breeding in the future.
  • Weight gain. It is a stereotype that every cat gets very fat after surgery. In fact, everything depends on the owner. Yes, as mentioned above, the cat becomes less active, and the number of calories burned is reduced significantly. That is, following the previous diet, the animal gains weight. In addition, many individuals begin to eat more due to changes in hormonal levels, which also affects the shape of the pet.

To protect him from obesity, you need to revise the diet. The simplest way is to give 70% of the diet used previously. If you previously fed the cat three times a day, now feed it twice. If your cat cannot tolerate this break between meals, feed more often, but in smaller portions. A more difficult way is to give a certain amount of calories. The average cat after castration requires 60 kcal per day per 1 kilogram of weight. You can also purchase special food for castrated cats. Transfer your pet to the new diet gradually. Otherwise, there is a great risk of provoking a malfunction in metabolism.

  • Inadequate muscle development. This problem occurs in animals that are castrated too early. The fact is that the sex glands secrete testosterone. He is involved in the formation of the muscles of the animal. If the cat is neutered too early, testosterone will not have time to fulfill its function, and the cat will grow up frail and weak.
  • Usually cats are castrated at the age of 6 months. Some individuals reach sexual maturity earlier, as a result of which the owners decide to perform the operation without waiting for the recommended time. You don’t need to do this. The question of whether it is worth neutering a cat at the age of 2-3 months should not be at all. The animal may not even have time to descend the testes into the scrotum.
  • Increased risk of urolithiasis. This is due to the fact that neutered cats are less likely to go to the toilet. Stagnation is formed, as a result of which crystallization occurs. The risk is reduced by a special diet, including the aforementioned feed for castrated animals. This issue is worth discussing with your veterinarian.

A few words should be said about age characteristics. Castration is an operation performed under local or general anesthesia. Older cats do not always tolerate anesthesia well. It can become a threat not only to health, but also to life. If you intend to neuter a cat over eight years old, discuss this with your veterinarian.

In the case of cats that have already been mated, castration will not give the expected result. Information about reproduction in such animals was deposited in the pituitary gland, and the removal of the sex glands will not affect this in any way. The cat will still demonstrate vocal skills and mark territory. If your pet has already had mating, consult your veterinarian about neutering.

Do I need to neuter a domestic cat: conclusions

If the castration of a cat occurs at the right age, under the right circumstances, and in the future it will receive proper nutrition, care and attention, there is nothing wrong with the operation. She guarantees peace to both the animal and the owners. If any of the mentioned disadvantages bothers you, visit your veterinarian and soberly assess the risks.

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