Why does a cat have watery eyes?

Cats are not only funny pets, but also a great responsibility. They have the ability to get sick, need constant care and attention. A common problem is when a cat has watery eyes or starts coughing. You can get rid of the problem at home if you choose the right treatment. As a last resort, you can take your pet to a veterinarian, or get an online consultation.

But first, let’s try to figure out on our own why cats have such problems, what to do with it, and how you can prevent the disease.

The most common reasons why a cat has watery eyes

Often, too caring owners sound the alarm, even with the slightest symptoms of lacrimation in cats. Sometimes a cat has watery eyes, for no reason. This is a normal physiological process, especially if the cat has just woken up. Such tears do not carry any threat to health. However, if you notice that the lacrimation is too profuse, it has an unnatural brown color, the cat begins to sneeze or cough and behaves sluggishly, do not ignore it.

First of all, let’s figure out what are the reasons why a cat has watery eyes:

  • Cold. Cats can also get the flu.
  • Allergy to certain medications, or even to certain foods;
  • Common worms;
  • Mechanical damage to the eye, such as a bruise or scratch;
  • Congenital malformation, such as a wrong cut in the eye;
  • Various types of conjunctivitis;
  • Infections in the nasopharynx.

Each of these problems is successfully solved and is easily treatable. More help in identifying the problem can be the color of tears. So, what the color of the discharge says:

  • If the discharge is purulent, yellowish or green in color, then it is most likely infectious – conjunctivitis, or blepharitis. Similar discharge can occur with allergies.
  • If a cat has watery brown eyes, this is a sign of obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal.
  • Cloudy, white discharge indicates cat flu;
  • Natural, without any coloration, cause the least concern, because this is a common reaction to some kind of external stimulus and does not mean serious health problems.

Each of these causes requires specific treatment, in one case it is possible to do with the usual washing of the eyes, in the other case it requires more medical treatment, especially if there are accompanying symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, or a runny nose.

How can you help a cat at home?

Often, when a cat has a runny nose and watery eyes, the owners do not rush to the vet, looking for information on the Internet or through friends, trying to eliminate the causes of watery eyes on their own. Sometimes this self-medication can be successful if the problem is correctly identified.

For example, if a cat has the flu, the veterinarian can often prescribe various vitamins and immunomodulators to help the cat’s body cope with a cold faster. By seven days, all symptoms should be gone.

In case of allergic reactions, you will have to do a general analysis in a veterinary clinic, determine the irritant, and eliminate it. After that, the problem of lacrimation will disappear.

For infections such as conjunctivitis, you really need medication. The cat’s eyes are buried with special drops, and it may come to taking an antibiotic.

The anatomical structure of the nasopharynx can also be a big problem, which will cause lacrimation and difficulty breathing in a cat. Only a veterinarian can help solve this problem. Not infrequently with surgical intervention.

If the cat has red eyes and watery, but there are no other clear symptoms, you can try general methods of treatment such as:

  • Flush the animal’s eyes with warm water and any antibacterial solution. Furacilin is perfect.
  • You can use special ointments that contain broad-spectrum antibiotics. Lubricate the eyelids with them no more than twice a day.
  • Try to bury your eyes with chloramphenicol.
  • If you suspect an allergy, you can give your cat an antihistamine.

Many are interested in the question of how the clinic will diagnose the reasons why a cat has watery eyes. This usually happens quickly, with a trained veterinarian able to make a correct diagnosis almost immediately.

Sometimes, for a more accurate diagnosis, the following methods are used:

  • General examination of the animal;
  • Analyzes;
  • Ophthalmoscopy;
  • Test for patency of the nasolacrimal canal;
  • Ultrasound of the eyes.

In any case, if home treatment has not brought any improvement, and you do not want to risk it, it’s time to seek qualified help. If there is a time limit, or if you do not want to stress your pet during transportation. Modern technologies allow you to get professional advice online. From the photographs of the animal and your detailed descriptions of the symptoms, the veterinarian can diagnose and prescribe treatment – remotely.

How to prevent cat eye diseases

With proper care of the animal, even if it is not possible to completely protect it from eye diseases, then such cases will be significantly minimized.

Veterinarians recommend the following preventive methods to protect your pet from troubles in the form of diseases:

  • Choose the right food. It is known that for each breed of cats, and even more so for a certain age, there is an ideal food. Try to feed your cat correctly, then she will receive all the necessary trace elements and feel great;
  • From time to time you need to give the cat a medicine for worms. Even without preliminary analysis, just for prevention purposes.
  • Vaccination. In many cases, it is the availability of vaccinations that plays an important role in feline health;
  • Hygiene. The cat needs to be bathed periodically, combed out, rinsed eyes, and the like.
  • Periodic examination by a veterinarian.

By following all these rules, you will get a healthy, active and happy pet. A sick cat is not only a nuisance for the owner, but also a serious danger to the health of other household members, because often feline infections can harm people. Be attentive and responsible when taking a four-legged friend into your family.

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