Dog Losing Hair?

Seasonal moulting in animals and in dogs in particular is a natural process and “according to the rules” occurs twice a year, but it is quite another matter when a dog’s hair falls out in clumps all the time. In this case, this is a serious reason to think about going to the vet.

Why does dog hair fall out?

The reasons can be quite varied. Let’s take a look at the most common ones.

Hormonal disbalance

If the reason is this, then baldness will manifest itself gradually, capturing more and more areas of the skin, as a rule, bald spots have symmetrical shapes.

The most common ailments due to disorders in the hormonal system are.


It implies disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland and sebaceous glands. Dangerous for overweight or older dogs. Such a disease in most cases is displayed on such breeds as:

  • dachshunds
  • cocker spaniels
  • retrievers
  • dobermans
  • setters
  • airedale terriers

The symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • constant molt
  • poor coat condition in general
  • the appearance of various age spots on the skin
  • slow pulse

Treatment is carried out with synthetic medications used to treat thyroid diseases.

Pituitary dwarfism (growth hormone problem)

Although this type of disease is quite rare, nevertheless, it is not necessary to lose sight of it. Weak breeds include German Shepherds.


  • the dog’s hair falls out on the back and abdomen
  • the growth of puppies stops at about 3-4 months of life
  • usually she has “problem” teeth
  • the skin is very thin and “enlightened”
  • also has dermatitis and dandruff

The treatment process involves taking hormone-based drugs.

Cushing’s syndrome

It consists in too much cortisol (helps the body in the fight against various stressful situations) in the dog’s body.

Most susceptible dog breeds

  • dachshunds
  • boxers

The symptoms will be as follows:

  • hair loss all over the body
  • constant intense thirst
  • frequent urination
  • inappropriate behavior
  • the skin is inflamed and with small cracks
  • poor appetite, leading to rapid weight loss, although the stomach remains bloated

In order to cure the dog from this ailment, medications are prescribed that suppress the production of cortisol.

Hyperestrogenism (an excess of estrogen in the body)

This disease affects both sexes and is another reason why dogs begin to lose their hair.

Symptoms, in addition to hair loss in large quantities on the sides and abdomen, can also include

  • swelling around the nipples (in females)
  • swelling of the testes (in males)
  • the skin becomes more rigid and rough
  • sulfur is produced in excess

Due to the fact that medication treatment in such a situation will not bring results, the issue is resolved operable (reproductive organs are removed from the dog, depending on gender).

Hypoestrogenism (lack of estrogen in the body)

This disease affects mainly middle-aged females who have gynecological problems.

Among the signs are:

  • molting in the groin area (or near the vulva)
  • the skin becomes thinner and becomes very soft

Treatment is hormonal (taking the hormone estrogen).

Harmones don’t count

But after all, not in all cases the reason is buried in hormonal disruption. The dog sometimes sheds hair for other reasons. Let’s find out in more detail.

Stressful situations

In addition to the fact that the dog is bald wherever possible, it:

  • becomes lethargic and lethargic (although the next minute looks overexcited)
  • she has unnatural behavior, which implies, for example, the desire to eat something inedible, the frequent howling of the pet is also a frequent sign of malaise
  • the dog starts going to the toilet in the wrong places (which is a sign of incontinence, but by no means bad behavior)
  • unreasonable aggressiveness may also occur
  • lack of appetite and refusal to play

In this case, sedatives and moderate exercise are prescribed.

Allergic reactions

In this case, the dog’s hair falls out, and it constantly itches, and moreover:

  • a rash will appear on the skin
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract will begin
  • eyes will constantly water
  • there will be many small wounds on the skin due to their scratching with their claws

In therapy, antihistamines are used, as well as antibiotics (during infection). Also, after the cause of the allergy has been identified, wound-healing ointments can be used.

The presence of parasites in the body

The condition of the dog’s coat is declining, looks faded and not well-groomed, and over time begins to thin.

So, a pet that has parasites

  • looks tired
  • gnaws at the thighs and tail
  • the skin is all in small ulcers
  • also have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and sleep

Treatment is just taking drugs for fleas, worms and the like.

Fungus damage

These include:

  • trichophytosis
  • microsporia
  • ringworm

Main features:

  • the dog’s hair falls out and the skin peels off, which is also constantly inflamed
  • there are purulent wounds on the body
  • the wool becomes thinner and becomes brittle, and if nothing is done, it begins to fall out in tufts

It is also worth noting that this disease especially “loves” puppies under the age of one year.

Antibacterial and symptomatic drugs are used, in some cases vaccines that suppress these diseases.

Bacterial skin infections

Problems of this kind involve:

  • pideorma
  • various skin diseases
  • subcutaneous abscesses

Typical signs:

  • the skin becomes like sandpaper, constantly reddened
  • she has a lot of abscesses and papules
  • wool in this case falls out localized

Treating dogs with antibiotics and symptomatic medications

Lack of vitamins

With avitaminosis, dogs in particular lack vitamins such as A, B2, B6 and B12.

And something amiss happens if:

  • baldness in the neck, muzzle, front and hind legs
  • the condition of the skin as a whole worsens
  • constant “urge to scratch”
  • low temperature is another serious sign
  • as well as too light mucous membrane

For therapy, vitamin complexes or drugs against baldness and other manifestations of vitamin deficiency are selected.

Adenitis of the sebaceous glands

This is an inflammation of the skin, which mostly affects puppies or very young individuals.

Typical symptoms:

  • baldness is usually observed in the ears, head and back
  • skin condition also leaves much to be desired (becomes greasy and flakes)
  • leftover fur looks greasy and matted

During therapy, vitamin complexes are prescribed, as well as the use of antiseptic shampoos or corticosteroids.

Acanthosis black

It is a disease that affects the dog’s skin by disrupting the sebaceous glands.

Symptoms of acanthosis black

  • hyperpigmentation in the groin and armpits
  • the skin looks unhealthy, becomes rough with keratinized areas
  • the dog itches constantly
  • bald spots appear

As a rule, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. In some cases, vitamins or antihistamines are prescribed.

Ideopathic baldness in Greyhounds

This disease occurs only in the breed specified in the name of the disease. This defect manifests itself exclusively in young individuals.


  • baldness of the thighs and (which is much more common) of the abdomen occurs
  • at the same time, the pet’s skin remains healthy.

Medications are used to slow down hair loss.

What is the solution and is there one?

The best solution is going to the vet. But, since not all owners are of this opinion, treatment alone remains, which is highly discouraged.

Note: if the pet is treated improperly at home, you can bring the animal to even greater problems than it already has (deterioration, progression of the disease, transition to the chronicle).

So, once again, recall that if a dog or cat, on the back, near the tail or on any other area of ​​the skin, hair falls out, you need to go for an examination, during which a specialist will take scrapings for the necessary tests, and then make a diagnosis after what you can start treatment. And only in this case there will be a result.

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