Dogs for children

As you know, when children reach a certain age, I begin to ask their parents for a pet, mainly a cat or a dog. Today we will figure out whether it is worth following the child’s lead, or is it better to refuse, which dog breeds are most suitable for children, and so on.

1) Benefits of purchasing a pet

In general, there are a lot of advantages, for example

  • According to most psychologists, children who have pets at home begin to think about the consequences of their actions much earlier, and they also begin to develop a sense of responsibility in general earlier. And this is a rather necessary quality of life, which may not fully develop if a child all his time plays only with dolls and plush toys or spends whole days on the Internet.
  • the dog plays a kind of socializer. Due to the fact that it is necessary to walk with her and spend time with her, the child becomes less withdrawn, more relaxed and sociable. In addition, children who have dogs quite often become the center of the company, which allows you to quickly and easily make new acquaintances.
  • also, focusing on a series of experiments conducted by German psychologists, the presence of a dog in the house has a positive effect on the process of raising a child. He will know firsthand about such important qualities as loyalty, honesty, and the ability to forgive. As a rule, such children experience boundless love for everything around them, they are tolerant of other people’s shortcomings, and also there is no meanness in them at all.
  • another important point is that by buying a dog for your child you provide him with a faithful friend for many years to come. The child will always have support, and no matter how ridiculous it may sound, the dog will always comfort and listen to its little master.
  • and not a single gadget and Internet space can replace communication and time spent with a four-legged friend for a child.
2) Suitable age for purchase

The best age is to buy a pet when the child reaches 6-7 years old. Why? Well, firstly, if you buy a dog for a kid, he will in fact perceive it as a toy, nothing more, which can lead to the fact that the child will not even understand how to behave towards him correctly. And all responsibility and care will be on the shoulders of the parents and the goal will not be achieved.

But upon reaching the above age, children, as a rule, can already take part in caring for an animal, for example, feed it, take care of it at home, communicate and play, but as with a living creature, and not a toy. It is not recommended for children of this age to go out with a pet on their own, because if the dog is interested in something, it will rip the leash and most likely run away.

3) The best dog breeds for kids

If we talk about the age of 6-7 years, then it is recommended to acquire small dogs, there is an opinion that their characters are less conflicting and difficult. But when a child reaches 12-13 years of age, you can think about a pet of a larger breed. The seriousness of the approach of raising a dog also plays a role, small children, due to their age, will not be able to cope with this task.

Another important point is that the pet should not be larger than the child. What is the reason for this? As mentioned above, he may not keep the dog on a leash if it starts to break free and run somewhere. Or, speaking of games, a large pet can accidentally injure him.

Note: however, small breed dogs are not always ideal. This is due to the fact that children are mostly rude, like to grab, hold, and so on, which animals and dogs in particular do not like at all. But if a child cannot master a large animal, then he will easily twist a small dog.

Among the breeds that react particularly aggressively to this kind of “capture” are:

  • pikines;
  • Pomeranian Spitz;
  • chihuahua;
  • miniature pinschers.

As a rule, they react violently to such “boorish” behavior, begin to break free, growl and, if the “offensive” is not stopped, they can bite the child.

Another disadvantage of acquiring small dogs is precisely their smallness and fragility, and along with the fact that the child can be rude and perceive the pet as a toy, this can lead to injuries and other unpleasant consequences for the dog, while large pets can be a little patient if the situation requires it.

4) What breed to choose

So what is the more suitable option for acquiring children, small or large dogs?

Let’s take a look at some of them

Golden retriever

Such a choice is good due to the fact that this breed does not choose one owner for itself in the family. Everyone can be involved in education, training, as well as during hygiene procedures and other things.

Welsh corgi

This dog breed is endowed with an innate sense of humor. He loves a variety of games, and fun, which he can indulge in day and night. Also, these dogs know how to smile. It is not known how true this is, but the fact that they have a smile around their mouth in the form of a black rim is for sure. Moreover, these dogs are very quiet and patient. What is not ideal for a child.

West highland white terrier

Quite noisy dogs and, moreover, explorers love to dig. However, they are very friendly and peaceful, and are always ready to rush into the attack defending their master, despite the fact that they are quite small in size. So the child will not be bored and at the same time relatively safe with such a pet.

Irish Setter

More suitable for children – fidgets, because she herself is quite energetic and always “for any kipish.” The pet needs frequent walks with games and jogging, and they also love to be in nature. A very affable breed, and with the right upbringing will be good-natured and obedient (as far as this breed can be in general). It is thanks to her character and sociability that she always gets along with children, to which they reciprocate her.

Labrador Retriever

An unrealistically optimistic breed of dog with a very high level of vitality and good nature. At the same time, despite the fact that she is very active, in the family and at home she behaves moderately and affectionately, creating a calm and serene atmosphere around herself. She always needs company because she is very difficult to endure loneliness, feeling abandoned. Labradors are ready to be friends with both children and adults, the main thing is that a person has good energy. The pet is suitable for both quiet and calm children, and energetic ones, who just let them play and run.


A very good option for purchasing. The dog is very hardy and strong. Can play and run for a very long time. In addition, it is practical, does not take up much space and does not fade, which allows you to start it in even a very small apartment. Ideal for children (especially allergy sufferers).

Bichon Frize

This is a French version of a lapdog. Quite active dogs who want to always be in the company of people. They do not shed and do not smell at all, but they bark loudly enough at everyone and everything. However, she is very kind and perfect for families with children.

In general, there are a lot of breeds that are suitable for children, both among large and among small ones. Here, the character of the pet and its ability and desire to contact the child rather play a role.

Before buying a pet, a child is recommended to become very familiar with various breeds in order to study all their qualities, features, methods of training, care and other things. If you cannot make a decision on your own, you can seek help from specialists who will help you choose a dog that suits your child’s “type”. Today there are a large number of online services that can provide this kind of consultation.

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