Dog Vomiting

Vomiting in a dog can be triggered by a number of reasons. Owners often encounter such a situation, but they do not need to panic immediately, because this does not always indicate that the animal has problems. So, let’s get acquainted with the reasons, types and, accordingly, methods of treatment.

Signs of vomiting in a dog

In order to understand that something is wrong with the pet, you need to look after him, since he himself cannot complain. In addition, we can track changes in his behavior. For example, before a dog starts vomiting, it is usually nauseous. Other symptoms include:

  • the pet will constantly lick its face
  • he doesn’t want to drink or eat
  • saliva is abundant
  • movements become chaotic
  • shows signs of anxiety
  • belching and rumbling in the stomach

Here you can add problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the form of diarrhea or constipation.

What are the causes of vomiting

Despite the fact that vomiting is considered a protective mechanism, which is aimed at cleansing the body of various toxic substances, toxins or foreign bodies, and in some cases it is even a plus, it should not be left to chance.

So, the causes of vomiting in a dog can be ranked
  • various infectious diseases
  • intoxication of the body
  • presence of foreign bodies in the esophagus, or stuck food in the throat
  • ingestion of insects or corrosive substances into the pet’s respiratory tract
  • the presence of worms or other parasitic microorganisms

You can also add here:

  • intestinal obstruction
  • binge eating
  • intolerance to any products
  • allergic reactions
  • heatstroke
  • stressful situations
  • central nervous system damage
  • poisoning (which will be accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and even hallucinations and seizures). If you do not take action in time, the dog may fall into a coma.

More serious reasons that lead to pathological vomiting include:

  • illness of a dog with meningitis, encephalitis, and other diseases
  • she has a brain tumor
  • problems with the duodenum (gastritis, ulcer, or swelling).

In this case, vomiting appears, as a rule, in half an hour – an hour after eating.

Dog vomiting white foam

This type of vomiting can scare any owner. But is it really so dangerous?

In fact, the white color is just mucus that covers the intestinal walls so that gastric juice does not eat them away. Therefore, if white vomit appears shortly after a meal, it is more likely physiology, and not a terrible danger. Also, this is another confirmation that the dog is not seriously ill. However, if this process is repeated constantly, you should contact your veterinarian.

If the dog has white vomiting on an empty stomach, this is a reason to think. This sign indicates violations in the work of bile secretion.

Vomiting in this case is not strong, and the pet, if it is hungry, can be fed immediately. Again, if this does not happen on an ongoing basis, there is no cause for concern.

But if the vomit is not white, but yellow in color, this is already serious and you need to seek advice from a veterinarian and be examined without fail.

Dog vomiting undigested food

Again, if vomiting is not accompanied by diarrhea, dehydration, or a complete refusal to eat, there is no reason to panic. Most likely, your pet simply chewed food poorly, overeat, or swallowed large chunks of food along with the air.

To prevent this from happening again, it is recommended
  • reduce portions of food (it is better to feed the pet more often)
  • if he begins to eat a new feed, it is better to transfer it gradually, and is it needed at all?
  • large pieces of food are best cut into small pieces
  • it is necessary to exclude fatty and heavy foods from the dog’s diet for a while so that she does not overeat and she does not have a feeling of heaviness (in general, it is recommended to feed her with such food rarely, and even better to teach her to homemade food, for example, chicken, rice, cheese, and the like)
  • you need to monitor the water balance of the dog so that she does not have dehydration

And also check the condition of the gums. So, they should not be too pale or with a purple tint. Otherwise, it is necessary to take the dog for examination.

What to do if your pet starts to vomit

The correct decision would, of course, be to take the dog for examination in order to make the correct diagnosis and, if necessary, carry out treatment.

  • if the cause is an infection, the dog needs to be treated with antibiotics, antiviral drugs or hyperimmune sera
  • vomiting as a result of inflammatory processes in the body implies taking anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, vitamin complexes and other
  • the case of intestinal obstruction is already more serious. Operation is most likely required here. Moreover, measures must be taken clearly and quickly, otherwise you can bring the dog to the point that its intestines develop and intoxication occurs
  • During poisoning, the dog needs a diet of sufficient water, light cereals and broths, or fasting. It all depends on the severity of the poisoning. Also, if necessary, you need to put the dog on IVs or inject antidotes.
Can you help yourself

No, in this case, it will most likely fail to provide assistance. The only correct actions would be:

  • think about the cause of vomiting (maybe the dog ate something wrong, got poisoned, overheated in the sun, etc.)
  • you need to pay attention to the number of vomiting urges, their consistency, color and content, as well as the symptoms that were before
  • do not feed the pet before examining it, so as not to cause repeated vomiting
  • it is advisable to give water not in liquid form, but with ice cubes so that the dog licks them

And another very important advice, you don’t need to scold your pet for bad behavior and vomiting on the rug, he is already feeling bad, only support will be the right decision.

All information about the condition of the dog before and during vomiting will greatly help the veterinarian quickly determine what the problem is and make a diagnosis.

After the pet can be given food again, it will be necessary to slightly change its diet:

  • exclude fatty foods
  • add chicken, turkey and fresh herbs to the diet
  • you can also feed it with cereals (for example, rice)

Food should be fresh and not cold in any way. It is better to feed the dog more often, but in small portions, so as not to cause overeating and heaviness. When you can return to your usual diet, you do not need to decide on your own, it is better to consult with a specialist.

Animal diagnostic process

In general, this is not a big deal. To diagnose a dog in a veterinary clinic

  • blood test
  • X-ray and ultrasound of the abdominal region

Then the appropriate drugs are prescribed for

  • eliminate the nauseous state
  • to boost your pet’s gastric flora
  • eliminate irritation

If the dog is severely dehydrated, it is given IVs. Absorbent drugs are prescribed to eliminate various toxins. Also, sometimes it is recommended to take homeopathy, but in most cases only at the initial stage to stop vomiting.

It does not matter in connection with what vomiting occurs in the dog, due to undigested food or for any other reason, you do not need to self-medicate, otherwise you can make things even worse. It is imperative to take the dog to the veterinary clinic, or if the situation is really bad and the dog’s vomiting does not stop, call a specialist at home. Yes, it may cost more, but the pet’s health is priceless.

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