How to train a cat to go to the toilet

Many people who want to have a kitten, but hesitate to do so, fear that their home will turn into a solid cat litter box with an unpleasant odor. Indeed, if you do not pay attention to the education of a pet, he will grow up “uneducated” and without manners. Learning responsibly can help you keep your home clean and smell good. In this article, we will consider recommendations regarding cat toilet training, and also tell you what to do if a cat goes to the toilet in an inappropriate place.

How to toilet train a kitten quickly

You should start by choosing a tray. A common mistake is buying a fixture that is too small. Say, the kitten is small, why does he need a large toilet? In fact, you need to make sure the litter box is comfortable for your pet. Any inconvenience can discourage the kitten from desire. Do not be confused by high sides. Even today, your pet needs to be put into the tray, and tomorrow he will happily jump into it himself.

The second problem that you will face when buying a small litter box is the kitten’s inability to correctly assess its body volume. It may happen that his paws will be in the tray, and the back will protrude outward. It is not hard to guess how it will end. And with age, this problem will only get worse. Conclusion: the cat should be able to “turn around” in the tray. To determine the exact size you want, consider your pet’s personality.

The next step is choosing a place for the tray. It should be an inconspicuous, quiet corner of your home. Cats tend to go to the toilet in places where they are not disturbed. It is not for nothing that untrained cats often leave puddles behind sofas, under tables, in “unpopulated” corners of an apartment. Therefore, you need to imagine that your cat is shy and put the litter box in the appropriate place. However, do not put the toilet where it will be difficult for the animal itself to find it.

Now you can start learning!

  • Most cats and cats go to the toilet after eating and after sleeping. Observe the pet’s behavior carefully during this time. As soon as he begins to behave restlessly, sniff, actively look for a place, take him to the tray. No need to grab hard and run to the toilet. It is important not to scare the animal away.
  • The kitten needs to be shown what the tray is for. It is enough to dig a little in the filler. You shouldn’t do it with the kitten’s paws. This will cause fear in the baby, and you can forget about the positive outcome of the procedure. It is necessary for the animal to naturally understand what is wanted from it.
  • If everything went well, don’t forget to praise the kitten. Animals have associative thinking. For them, approval is an important element of learning.
  • Important! During training, the kitten must be protected from stressful situations. If during his acquaintance with the tray you shout or something falls nearby, this can discourage him from returning to the “dangerous” place for a long time. Training should take place in a friendly, quiet atmosphere.
  • Do not forget to clean the tray in time. This is an extremely important point for those who want to know how to toilet train a cat. Cats are clean animals. They would rather go to the toilet somewhere else than in a dirty litter box. It is advisable to completely change the filler once a week. The top, contaminated layer must be “removed” daily.

What to do if the cat went to the toilet in the wrong place

Let’s say right away: it’s not worth scolding and poking a cat in the stool. This will only create distrust in yourself. And in this case it is extremely important. You just need to say in a stern voice that you can’t do this, nothing more. Animals understand intonation. You just need to make it clear that the kitten is guilty.

If possible, collect the “crime tracks” and transfer to the tray. Show them to the cat. He will visually remember the tray and will be able to find it by smell.

Disinfect the place where the pet went to the toilet, get rid of the smell. Otherwise, he will defecate there again and again. Put something in this place. It could be just a stool or a bottle. It is important to break the “privacy” that your pet has found here. Yes, it’s inconvenient, but you won’t have to endure for long. The average cat learns to litter in 1-2 weeks.

If the kitten continues to go to the toilet in the wrong place, put his food and water there. Most cats do not allow themselves to defecate where they eat, although there are exceptions here.

Conclusion: do not be nervous and do not be angry with the animal – this only makes it worse. Nevertheless, let your pet understand with short strict phrases that he did something wrong. Try to use the “chips” described above, and you will certainly succeed.

Those who want to know how to toilet train an adult cat can also use the above guidelines. An important point: if the animal has previously gone to the toilet on the street, buy a filler that resembles earth or sand in appearance and consistency. Also be prepared for the learning process to take longer. It is difficult for adults to change old habits.

What can get in the way of training a cat to the toilet

Even if you do it right, some factors can interfere with the learning process. Let’s talk about them.

  1. Plastic liners in the tray. They are designed to prevent the cat from digging around and scattering litter. Some individuals do not accept such toilets, as they want to satisfy their instinct. Try removing the earbuds.
  2. Strong filler odor. Cats with a highly developed sense of smell cannot walk in deodorized litter. The same goes for cleaning products. If you wash the tray with fragrant “chemistry”, and the cat refuses to go into it, refuse these means. Cat analogs are available at pet stores.
  3. Abrupt changes in filler. If today you use odorless wood pellets, and tomorrow you use fine-grained flavored filler, do not be surprised at the “refusal” of the cat to go to the litter box. This is how you break the animal’s attachment and association. It is necessary to introduce a new filler into a cat’s life gradually: first, mix it with the old one.
  4. Diseases. The matter may be in the pet’s health condition. For example, urinary tract diseases can lead to puddles in unexpected places. The animal simply does not have time to reach the tray. If you have tried all of the above methods and they are unsuccessful, this is a reason to visit your vet.

To train your cat to the litter box, you need to be patient. But your efforts will not be in vain: as a reward you will receive a clean pet and a house without unnecessary odors.

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