Teaching your dog to a collar, leash and muzzle

Each breed of dog requires a specific approach to education and training. Some understand only affection with others, you need to be tougher. There are dogs, which from the first months of life are taught elementary commands, accustomed to a leash and a collar, and there are those that have never seen anything like this. Of course, the easiest way to teach something is a puppy. However, adult dogs are trainable, if you find the right approach to them. We will show you how to train your dog for a leash, collar and muzzle. We will be guided by general rules, which are universal regardless of the breed.

Teaching a puppy to a leash and collar

Leash and collar are essential accessories for every pet dog. Any walk, visit to the doctor, or even just going out to a public place should be accompanied by these two items. This is necessary for the safety of others and the dog itself. The collar is much easier. Even from birth, babies can wear a thick thread around their neck, then change it to a light collar. But the leash is somewhat more complicated.

How to choose a leash?

First of all, the leash should be comfortable and soft. Picked up individually. He should not pinch anything and rub the puppy’s neck. Natural materials and maximum delicacy are the basic requirements for a puppy leash. Also, the first leash should be short, as light and simple as possible. Take care that the leash does not have a strong odor. If this persists, then after the purchase, let it lie at home for a few more days until it finally disappears.

The first steps:

  • The ideal age for leash training is the first one and a half to two months. Before this period, puppies are not yet very conscious, but then they already have their own character, which can complicate the process.
  • The first fitting should last no longer than a few minutes. Distract the puppy with something interesting at this time, do not let him play with the string itself.
  • All the first steps should take place at home in a familiar territory for the puppy, and after the first positive results, you can try to put on the leash on the street.
  • Also, while still at home, rehearse walking in the direction given by the owner. At first it will be extremely difficult, but over time the puppy will begin to obey.

Depending on the breed and the owner himself, you can divide the methods of teaching a puppy to a leash into two types: loyal and tough.

The first method requires a lot of patience and imagination from the owner. In this case, the interests and comfort of the puppy come first. The whole process of accustoming with the loyal method is based on the encouragement of tasty things, and a complete orientation to the mood of the dog. If he doesn’t want to go, we stop. Although you can run a little and run. The owner gives the puppy a certain freedom of action, so that he himself comes to an understanding of what is wanted from him and what is best for him.

As for the hard method, everything is exactly the opposite. If the puppy suddenly hurries somewhere, he is simply stopped with a slight jerk. After a few times, the dog will realize that the sudden change in trajectory can be painful.

In both cases, one thing must be understood, the puppy must have at least minimal interest in the process. Do not forget about breaks and it is advisable to somehow diversify the training, for example, by playing.

Features of collar and leash training for adult dogs

If with puppies everything is more or less obvious, then not everyone understands how to accustom an adult dog to a leash. An adult dog has an established character and it is not so easy to instill new habits in him, but it is quite possible. With a collar, the situation is not critical, but the leash requires more attention and patience.

The main thing is to make it clear to the dog that the leash does not pose a threat. Make sure that the rope is long enough to allow the dog to get far away from you. This will prevent her from feeling a strong restriction of freedom.

For starters, walk only in familiar areas. It is not necessary to constantly hold the leash in your hands. Let him reach for the dog and you can only occasionally lift him, but so as not to frighten the dog. To correct the dog’s movement, you can simply step on the leash without touching it.

To make the dog associate the leash with pleasure, show it every time you are going to go outside with it. To teach the dog to stop as needed, just stop yourself, pull the rope a little and, at the dog’s incomprehensible gaze, call him to you by giving something tasty. Be prepared that it will take a month or more for an adult dog to develop all the necessary reflexes.

It is not enough just to teach an adult dog to walk with a leash. It is worth making sure that the dog knows how to walk next to the owner, because joint walks are not always limited only to walking in the park.

In order to teach the dog to walk side by side and at the right pace, you need to stock up on a lot of tasty things. Every sharp jerk must be stopped and immediately reward the pet with something tasty so as not to provoke a riot. To begin with, it will be enough to walk at least thirty meters. Over time the duration of this kind

walks can be increased.

You can consult a veterinarian in more detail on how to train an adult dog to a collar and leash, paying attention to age, breed and character traits. After all, most cases are individual.

We teach an adult dog to muzzle

The muzzle is a must for dogs in crowded places. Some walks do not require a muzzle, but sometimes they do. Then the owners wonder how to tame an adult dog to the muzzle.

First of all, you need to be able to choose the right muzzle:

  • Its size should be larger than a dog’s muzzle so that nothing squeezes anywhere, does not interfere with chewing, easy barking and protruding tongue.
  • Muzzles are divided into leather and metal. There is not much difference here, the main thing is that the dog feels as comfortable as possible. So that this attribute does not cause painful sensations in her and does not limit some of her actions too much.

Putting on a muzzle for the first time is difficult. To do this, you can put a piece of delicious food inside it, and by such a deceptive method, quickly put an object on a dog. In order not to cause a lot of resistance and fear, try to immediately distract the dog with some kind of toy. Additional goodies or a game. The first time, 20 seconds will be enough. Attempts to get rid of the muzzle should be stopped by the owner with the “Fu” command and slightly pull on the leash. After a while, you can take the muzzle with you for walks. During your next walk, periodically wear a muzzle by offering some goodies. Distract your dog by jogging and playing, and then remove this accessory and continue walking without it.

Over time, the dog will get used to the new attribute and stop responding to it.

The main rule in teaching and training dogs is to forget about monotony. Be patient, experiment, encourage and the result will not be long in coming.

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