Chihuahua care

Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world named after the Mexican city of Chihuahua, where it was bred. This breed is very popular, because Chihuahua can be considered a real companion dog. They are distinguished by good health, good intelligence, loyalty and kindness of character. These dogs have excellent genetics due to which they practically do not get sick and can even live up to 20 years.

However, in order for Chihuahuas to really feel great and delight their owner for a long time, they need some care. We will tell you how to properly care for this breed, how to feed the Chihuahua, train, and the like.

Chihuahua Diet

Balanced and proper nutrition is necessary for every pet and this breed is no exception. How and what to feed a dog is the first thing a new owner encounters, so we will start with a detailed description of the diet for these little dogs.

From birth to the first twenty days, puppies are tried not to be taken away from their mother and they live exclusively on breast milk. And only starting from three weeks, dogs begin to introduce some products, albeit in scanty doses, since Chihuahua puppies are real crumbs.

First, let’s describe the diet by month:

  • At 1-2 months of age, puppies eat 6 times a day;
  • At 3-4 months, the number of meals is reduced to five, but its volume slightly increases;
  • At 4-6 months, the dog eats four times a day;
  • From 6 months to a year, the number of meals is reduced to three;
  • Well, after the dog turns one year old, he is fed once in the morning and once in the evening.

Now it’s worth telling in more detail what chihuahuas eat. Their diet can be of two types:

  • Ready-made food that can be purchased at specialty stores;
  • Natural products.

It is not recommended to mix these two types of food or switch abruptly from one type to another.

Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the nuances of this or that type of nutrition.

Ready feed

Of course, ready-to-eat foods have their advantages:

  • The pet owner does not need to worry that he has made the wrong diet. Premium ready-made feed contains all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, and the dosage and rules of use can be found on the packaging.
  • Really high quality dog ​​food contains the full range of essential vitamins that a dog needs at a particular age.
  • Such food can be taken with you on trips, it is well stored.

One of the disadvantages of such food is its high cost, because if you decide to feed it with ready-made food, you should choose the highest quality product. However, understanding how much dry food to give a Chihuahua puppy with its meager size, its price is no longer such a big problem. This dog eats quite a bit. Also, in Chihuahua there is one feature, this breed often suffers from allergies. In this case, you should immediately buy hypoallergenic food in order to avoid a number of problems.

Natural products

If you decide to compose the menu for the puppy yourself, then make sure that the daily diet contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamin and mineral supplements.

Meat, fish, cheese are suitable for daily nutrition. Rice, potatoes and pasta are a source of carbohydrates. Complementary foods that contain the necessary vitamins and minerals can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy after consulting a veterinarian.

When choosing meat, give preference to boiled veal or beef. Pork is prohibited. Boiled by-products such as liver and heart are also suitable.

If we are talking about fish, then only boiled and completely deboned. Also, once a week, Chihuahua can eat an omelet from one egg. As for cereals, buckwheat and rice are suitable. They should be boiled in broth or water.

Fermented milk products in the diet of a puppy and an older dog should be in the form of cottage cheese, kefir. Milk can cause diarrhea.

Vegetables and fruits also perfectly complement the diet of both a puppy and an adult dog. True, they need to be given grated or boiled. A carrot, an apple is what you need.

Prohibited foods include sausage, canned food, nuts, raw fish, radishes, smoked foods, too salty, pickled, legumes, onions or peppers, sweets.

Features of caring for a puppy from the first days in a new home

In addition to nutrition, there are also a number of other nuances about how to care for a Chihuahua. This is the device and preparation of the house for a new resident, the arrangement of a sleeping place, training and education, the need for certain toys and, in the end, taking care of the dog’s purity. We will tell you how to care for their fur, how to clean Chihuahua ears, teeth, eyes.

Room preparation

Given that puppies of this breed are incredibly small, it is best to close any gaps or spaces between or under furniture. Chihuahuas are famous for their heightened interest in everything around. Take care of their safety on the balcony. Also, remove all wires and household chemicals in a safe place. Well, be careful yourself, because you can easily step on or sit on such a crumb.

Personal space

These dogs are quite restless and fickle. If you plan to equip them with a sleeping place, then make sure there are several of them. You can buy special houses, or soft pillows and put them in several places at home. If we are talking about a small apartment, then one place for sleeping and resting will be enough. Do not place your dog on a lounger near a heater, in a walkway or in a draft.

Building contact and first parenting

It is not necessary to find a common language with these dogs for a long time. You can read in more detail about how to raise a Chihuahua at different ages in the relevant literature. We will tell you about the most important habits that you need to instill in a puppy from the first days of living together.

To train a puppy to his bed, you need to bring him to him and confidently say “Place”. After a few times, the puppy will understand you. It is important to teach the command “To me”. Use it every time before feeding or bathing. It is also worthwhile to immediately accustom the puppy to the command “Fu” and “No”. And of course the toilet. Although, be prepared at first for the unexpected. This breed is quite smart, they do not have a stubborn character, on the contrary, they try to please the owner, so there should be no problems with upbringing. It is strictly forbidden to shout or show aggression. Chihuahuas are vulnerable and easily offended.


For a pet, it is worth purchasing several latex or rubber toys. It is worth knowing one important nuance, it is forbidden, even in the form of a game, to pull toys and take them away from the dog, because you can ruin his bite.

Walking outside the home

Proper care of Chihuahuas also includes regular walks in the fresh air. Take care of the leash, as it will be difficult to keep track of a small active dog, and it is not a fact that there will be no threat in the form of a larger dog nearby. You need to walk at least three times a day. Chihuahuas are quite active dogs, but do not overload them. Pick up your puppy from time to time to rest it.


In general, Chihuahuas are divided into two types: long-haired and smooth-haired. Regardless of the type of your pet, caring for the coat is quite simple. If the dog is smooth-haired, it is worth purchasing a special comb and brushing the dog twice a week. If the dog is the owner of long fur, then you need to scratch it every other day. During the molting period, more often and preferably with a special brush that extracts excess fluff.

In addition to the fur, other parts of the dog’s body also need care. For example teeth. It is worth knowing how to brush Chihuahua teeth. To do this, you need to purchase a special brush and dog toothpaste. You need to brush your teeth daily.

It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the auricles. Clean them with a cotton swab as they get dirty. It is also important to know how to care for Chihuahua eyes. To avoid acidity and infections, the dog’s eyes should be rinsed with chamomile solution every two weeks. The solution should be warm.

With regard to bathing, it should take place no more than three times a year, and only if a special shampoo is used. This is quite enough for a dog. In an emergency, you can use dry shampoo. If necessary, you can wipe the feet with a damp cloth after walking.

Separately, we want to talk about how to trim the Chihuahua’s claws. It’s important to do it right so as not to injure the dog. Puppies need to have their claws trimmed every two weeks, and adult dogs less often – once a month. To do this, you need to purchase special tongs or guillotines. It is absolutely impossible to do this procedure with ordinary scissors.

In order to start grooming, select the moment when the dog runs up and plays enough. Take her in your arms, encourage her with a treat and be sure to talk in a calm intonation. Press lightly on the pad and insert the claw into the guillotine. Trim your nails at a 45-degree angle. Trim to the black point. If the puppy reacts calmly and does not break out, proceed to the next claw. You should not rush, not worry and do everything very carefully.

Is it possible to leave Chihuahua alone at home

The owner does not always have the opportunity to take the dog with him on business, and there is not always someone at home to look after the pet. However, in this case, you don’t have to worry. Chihuahuas feel great at home and can be left completely alone for a long time. However, take care of their safety. It would be ideal to purchase a special decorative enclosure, put there a place for rest, food, toys, so that the dog has something to entertain itself and does not do harm.

Features of care for adults Chihuahua

Caring for Chihuahuas in adulthood is not much different from caring for puppies. The same diet, only the frequency of meals is rare. The same walks, care and hygiene rules. There are many exceptions for caring for a pregnant Chihuahua. But it is better to read about this separately, since there is really a lot of information.

With age, you should take better care of your pet’s health. Here are the main problems that can arise in this breed:

  • Allergy

Allergies can occur at any age and to a large number of things. Allergies can be caused by food, shampoo, soap and even the owner’s perfume. Allergy manifests itself in the form of rashes and hair loss. At the slightest symptom, you should seek help from your veterinarian.

  • Hydrocephalus

Chihuahua puppies are born with a fontanel. By the way, this is the only breed with such a feature. Up to 4 months, the formation of the skull takes place. In this regard, the risk of such a brain disease as hydrocephalus remains.

  • Diseases of the oral cavity

Sometimes in Chihuahua, milk teeth may not fall out in time. In this case, they need to be pulled out in order to form the correct bite.

Also, problems such as caries, tartar, pulpitis are no exception. With careful dental care and periodic check-ups with a veterinarian, these problems can be avoided.

  • Hypoglycemia

Indicates insufficient blood sugar. Chihuahuas are often affected by this disease due to their over-activity. The main symptoms are drowsiness, blurry movements, spasms, and even seizures. If you notice such symptoms for your pet, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. To avoid this problem in the future, the owner of the dog should stock up on a special sugar additive.

We tried to tell you in as much detail as possible about how to care for a Chihuahua. This dog is quite comfortable, it is suitable for busy people and for those who live in a small room. By observing the basic rules for care and nutrition, you will get a wonderful and happy pet that will delight you for many years.

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